Meet Your Travel Team

Meet the dynamic duo of There and Back Again, Stephanie and Wayne Samson – the power couple behind the scenes of a thriving travel agency. With a shared passion for exploring the world and a seamless partnership in both their personal and professional lives, they have carved out a unique niche in the travel industry.

Stephanie, the creative force and vacation architect, exudes an infectious enthusiasm for crafting dream getaways. Her vibrant personality and keen understanding of her clients' desires make her the perfect travel consultant. Armed with an extensive knowledge of exotic destinations, luxury resorts, and off-the-beaten-path gems, Stephanie works closely with clients to paint personalized itineraries that are nothing short of masterpieces. Whether it's a romantic honeymoon in the Maldives, a family adventure in Costa Rica, or a solo escape to a European city, Stephanie weaves together every detail with an artist's touch. Her ability to listen, empathize, and translate dreams into reality has earned her a loyal clientele who marvel at her talent for making vacations come to life.

Wayne, the unsung hero working behind the scenes, is the steady hand that keeps the gears turning. With a background in education and system implementation, he's the man responsible for keeping everything running. Wayne’s dedication often goes unnoticed, but his impact on the success of their travel agency is immeasurable.

Together, Stephanie and Wayne form a yin and yang partnership that not only complements each other's strengths but elevates their travel agency to unparalleled heights. Their clients not only receive carefully curated vacations that fulfill their wanderlust desires but also experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing every aspect of their journey has been expertly handled. This husband-and-wife team has turned their love for travel into a thriving business that transforms dreams into unforgettable realities.